Thursday, 22 December 2011

PracticeWEB and more...

We’ve just announced some work we’re doing with PracticeWEB (PW). Based in Bristol and part of the SIFT Group, PW is the UK’s largest provider of web and content solutions to the UK’s accountancy and independent financial adviser (IFA) professions. Invu has been strong in both communities for some time so it’s a natural fit. Customers’ document management systems will link with PW’s Secure Document Exchange and Landscape client portal to enable the secure and seamless passing of client data to and from practice and client.

We’ve taken a resolutely “works with” approach and this means that Invu Document Management will be able to integrate with other portals, intranets etc .

Invu is mainly sold as an on-premise solution and with its integrations and business process tie-ins with ERP and finance systems which are more grounded than not, this doesn’t go away. However, our sights are increasingly on mobile and cloud technologies. The next product release includes a replacement to our view application (i600w) and this enables mobile, web and tablet access. In fact we’ve even had interest and early product demonstrations on the iPad with customers and prospects even though this new work has yet to be released. (Early Adopter customers should be able to gain a preview at the end of January.)  All being well, this strong technology base will lead to a strong foundation for new products and directions.

To find out how Invu can help your organisation please go to or send us an e-mail,

On behalf of us all here at Invu we wish you a very merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Compliance Driving Change

We continue to build up a head of steam with the numbers of customer cases studies. Increasingly we’re finding that it’s not just a simple, but always encouraging, tale of ROI behind each story and this is a case in point. Sheffield based Cogne UK is a global leader in the supply of stainless steel and tool steel. At least 500 transactions are processed each day. As a structural raw material the steel is subject to rigorous quality control and regular audit. This extends to Cogne’s processes and its ISO9001 certification. Access to test certifi¬cates is critical – they must be produced on request and failure to produce them could have dire reputational consequences. The detrimental impact of this necessary process could be felt throughout the business and the requirement to work smarter, more cost effectively and yet remain compliant drove the move to digitise its documentation. It’s been a positive move: “In a heavily audited environment Invu diminishes our potentially damaging exposure to risk and also gives us solid effi¬ciency savings”, says IT network administrator Andrew Scrimshaw. Find out more at

With so many organisations facing tough times, gaining quick ROI is a critical factor in any new IT decisions. But this is a business case factor, not necessarily the initiation point for a new project – in this case the operational impact of compliance was the driver. As so many other business types and professions come under increasing compliance and regulatory pressure, this can itself be the catalyst for document and content management adoption.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

On the road with Housing Associations and some new, but experienced faces

It’s been over 12 months since Seren Group took on its Invu solution. This Housing Group has gradually spread its use of the software and it was good to catch up with some of the team at the recent Hitex event in Cardiff. With pleasing synchronicity the latest Housing Technology magazine is just hitting the streets and the Invu Seren case study features prominently.

Also included in this edition of HT is an announcement about 2 of our HA dedicated team which have joined in recent months. Building on the success we’ve enjoyed with HAs to date we’re delighted that Steven Rhodes and Kevin Hardy have joined the team. Both have many years of experience of working with the social housing sector and they fortify Invu’s experience in a market where we’re enjoying increasing success. Both Steven and Kevin are attending exhibitions at the moment - the Scottish Federation of HAs Finance Conference, the current round of Hitex exhibitions and the IT in Housing conference are filling up their diaries and they’re busy renewing many contacts in the sector.  For HA specialists attending, please swing by and say hello.

For further info on the events we're attending over the coming weeks please go to - Thanks. 

Friday, 14 October 2011

Teamwork paying off at Wembley

Yesterday was an incongruous mix – Wembley stadium dressed up for an NFL game between the Tampa Bay Bucaneers and Chicago Bears and “the home of football” home to hoards of accountants. This was the keynote IRISWorld event where Phill Robinson and his team got to say, “Hello Wembley” to massed rows of accountants worrying more about the numbers and the future of their practices than the 3 lions. The stadium is very impressive of course (and so it should be) and with a target attendance of c.800 IRIS pulled out all the stops to do justice to the choice of venue. OK – typical exhibition drop-out rates meant that the actual number was somewhat under but what this single community saw was an example of a well-focused team talking directly and knowledgably to its customers about what they wanted to hear. And it’s this aspect that struck home as being most impressive. The financial community has a very important concept: KYC – Know Your Customer. Wembley and the other IRIS roadshows was a fine example of how to know your audience en masse.

The headline plenary sessions were good and strong and stuffed with subject matter experts from the ICAEW and Microsoft. More importantly the mood-music and buzz around the break-out rooms and the exhibition stands was confident; an acknowledgement that this was no waste-of-chargeable-time, but an important tool in knowing how to guide each individual practice. And it wasn’t all futures and jam-tomorrow. One of the sessions was a very simple hints-and-tips talk and it was just as packed as the bright-new-future presentations.

IRIS’s branded version of Invu (IRIS OpenDocs) was well in evidence and it confirmed our view that Invu’s integration with IRIS and it’s strong positioning with accountants was natural and now, almost taken for granted. On the IRIS OpenDocs stand, a steady stream of attendees sought more info (“how does it work?”, “what’s the cost”), but the number one question? Email, email, email. How do I handle the sea of emails I get? Almost from day one in our relationship with IRIS, the need for a flexible email solution was a top agenda item and directly led to Invu Email Manager coming to market. Yesterday continued the evidence that this was well judged.

The last couple of years have seen a lot of change at Invu, including the IRIS partnership. Standing back and reflecting, this was and continues to be an extremely positive partnership and Wembley showed the benefit of dealing with the experts in an area. Invu deals with a number of domains as well as solving some more generic issues in other sectors and it’s important not to lose that focus. Where we get close to the issues faced by individual customers or sectors we have a solution set which can be a veritable chameleon. But you have to understand what’s needed and what works best for each business. As Invu delivers more individual mid-market type solutions our focus on what’s needed for a successful solution teaches us a valuable lesson in listening closely to what our customers want. This varies by business sector and by customer and we’ve had to change the way we work. In fact this has been a major and hugely positive transformation. Wembley showed that with a strong, capable and domain expert partner we can deliver on both fronts with trust and confidence. IRIS and other partners keep us on the ball so we cannot ever afford complacency. Without getting smug, Wembley reinforced the partnership. For some of us with many years spent delivering software for accountants it wasn’t quite like coming home, but it was pretty close.

Monday, 3 October 2011

IRIS & Invu team up for IRIS World 2011 Roadshows

There will be plenty of eyes on Invu in its guise as IRIS OpenDocs in the next few weeks. We’ll be supporting IRIS as our premier accountancy partner as the IRIS World 2011 roadshows begin. These are taking place across the UK, starting with Bristol and ending with a 10th and final event towards the end of the month. These are excellent opportunities to find out about Invu’s unique fit in the accountancy space, to discover why the largest provider of accountancy solutions has chosen to work so closely with Invu and to meet the teams to find out more about the difference IRIS and Invu can make.

The regional events are condensed to ½ day sessions so you can join the IRIS and Invu team for breakfast and be back in your office in time for lunch.

The largest event is at Wembley Stadium; this is a full day conference with guest speakers and focused afternoon breakout sessions. One of these is Practice Efficiency – Save an hour a day with IRIS and this is where accountants can find out how much time can be saved using IRIS Practice Software and IRIS OpenApps.

Join us at the largest FREE customer event for accountants. We’d be delighted to meet you and to hear about your practice’s needs – to register click this link

Friday, 30 September 2011

Software for the real world….

Like software businesses the world over we find ourselves testing new releases in something of a vacuum – attempting to replicate the actions and environments of the real world can be a thankless and impossible task. Where the software can be used across a number of business scenarios and the twists and turns of a wider user community can vary enormously the scope of error is compounded. It’s an issue which the software community has wrestled with for many years now. Other than long, in-depth and often automated testing, the most common belt and braces proving route is by customer validation. Beta site testing is used the world over whether it be the big names like Microsoft, Oracle, Sage and others or the niche software provider.

Invu’s Early Adopter programme is typical. But we know that alongside those who are genuinely keen to see what’s round the corner, for most businesses the attraction can appear limited. We’ve been giving this a lot of thought. You see, high quality, real-world pre-release feedback is nothing short of gold dust. It can be the difference between success and embarrassment in some cases. But there must be something in it for the customer.

That’s why we’re formalising the Early Adopter programme with some sweeteners to add to the standards. (The standards being: a bit of first-mover advantage so you can be up and running before your competitors, enabling you to plan out your implementation and getting closer to the vendor and therefore being more influential in future product direction. There’s also the issue of ensuring the software quality for yourself – don’t trust anyone else, gain your own confidence etc. This is what large organisations with major roll-outs will do anyway so some of you may already be used to a period of User Acceptance Testing before new software is available to the business in a live environment.)

We’re looking for a good spread of customers across a range of organisational types. If you join us we’d like to make it a worthwhile exercise for all parties. Our most recent Newsletter leads with this request and asks that if you’re interested that you contact Mark Palmer or Sandeep Kang. Of course, we’ll be asking some customers and partners directly. But it would be great if you put your hand up first before we even send the invitations out….

Thursday, 8 September 2011

A tale of two cities?

In our news section, we’re talking about a tale of two cities. Not exactly original, but it comes to mind with two new case studies – Seren Group in Newport and, a quick hop down the M4 in Cardiff, Hendre. They are both engaged in social housing and both have been delighted with their Invu experience. Housing Associations (HA’s) are waking up to Invu with its wider portfolio of products and integration opportunities with housing systems. Forty plus HAs have adopted Invu and, increasingly, the demand is for document management at the heart of the business.

HAs face a bombardment of documentation, from invoices, to maintenance orders, to tenant correspondence and much more. Service levels can massively improve if the documentation is immediately to hand and a 360˚ view of a tenant’s affairs or suppliers transactions are to hand. HAs come under tight regulation and service levels are an important benchmark, so being able to respond quickly with all queries answered first time is a significant measure of success. It’s also a measure of efficiency and cost saving. Right now there are still many HAs find themselves reliant on paper filing and queries may take hours or days to get answered and then only in part – add in the “whilst I’ve got you”, almost mandatory supplementary question and you could be back to square one. You can see why a good eDM solution is needed.
HAs face particular issues with accounts payable – often working with a host of suppliers. Many of these are likely to be local and small in keeping with an ethos of trading in the community where possible. Quick payment is often critical to these suppliers. However, manual processing of paper invoices can be a slow process. Invu’s invoice processing solutions cut through this – we’re getting increasing and encouraging demand here. Invoices are scanned, the relevant data is extracted from the invoice and then looked up against the finance system for supplier details, POs etc. This then initiates an automatic workflow for authorisation – what might currently be 1-2 week’s worth of round trip can be simplified to minutes, all without the fear of loss and all whilst still having sight of the information for queries. Extending Invu Document Management out beyond a passive repository can make a huge difference to the way businesses work and this is a great example of a sector where the fit is especially good. Invu’s engagement with HAs continues to get closer and stronger – we hope to see our South Walian friends at Seren and Hendre joined by many more HA peers using Invu.many more HA peers using Invu.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Inside Housing highlights Invu

The most recent Inside Housing magazine is a welcome reminder that Invu has an important part to play in making Housing Associations more efficient. Invu represents eDM in the recent technology focus of the magazine:

From simply enabling better and quicker decision making and improving tenant and supplier service through to wholesale changes in the way that finance departments work, there’s a large number of HAs using Invu solutions nowadays. The trend is one of increasing adoption – encouraging news and also a reminder that this is a sector which faces its own pressures. Less money coming in, increasing demand for their services and greater regulation and service demands.

Invu has been shown to make a genuine difference to these organisations – check out the recent case studies on the Invu web site for the Seren Group based in Newport and their near neighbours in Cardiff, Hendre (

These join other HAs with similar experience and words of encouragement for Invu, notably Derwent Living in Derby and Sheffield HA Arches Housing.  Housing Associations and Invu – a very good fit indeed.    


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Calling all customers – keep up to date

The latest copy of InsideVu is available to download here.

We’re talking about our Health Check reviews, pointing you towards our recent invoice processing white paper, covering the new version of Invu Capture, the latest service pack and hearing about how Stoddards Manufacturing has transformed the way its finance department works using Invu solutions. And there’s also the normal hints and tips of course.

In case you missed it you can also find edition #9 online (it’s the same address as above). It majors on the invasive operational issues, costs and risks that email brings to so many organisations. Also included are a couple of great case studies – Northern Feather manufactures Snuggledown bedware and Invu’s purchase order, sales order and delivery note solution has been described by Financial Controller Brian Wilcox as “transformational”. Also in the North West, Tony Collier, managing partner at Milner Boardman accountants, tells us about the effect of going paperless and the print savings the practice has seen. 

InsideVu is a quarterly roundup of news, adding to our website, twitter and blog. You can sign up to receive future issues here.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Get Match Fit!

It’s so easy for us to lose contact with each other! Businesses may nurture their relationship with suppliers and service providers and many of us start off aiming to do so, but often good intentions lapse. With software this is normally countered with updates and communications. However, this doesn’t always give you that objective when your investing in a solution rather than a commodity. Many of Invu’s partners bridge this divide but we’re aware that this doesn’t always happen so we’re stepping in.

If you’re an Invu customer it may have been a little while since you began using Invu. As time moves on we all change - your business may have changed and Invu solutions certainly have. Increasingly, we’re seeing more and more customers who want to see how they can work even more effectively. We’re therefore offering a free half-day Health Check with one of our consultants*.

We can dig a little deeper into the pain points in your business and get an idea of your business processes. Often, documents are a manifestation of your processes but can also represent a contribution towards hidden costs and degradations in productivity. Hearing about your business and the way you work, understanding how you currently use Invu and raising awareness of the wider functionality of Invu, we’ve been able to realise even greater rewards for existing customers. We’ve seen:

        More savings in time, resources and costs.
        Better customer & supplier service
        Compliance peace of mind

So - can you improve the way you work? Take our challenge - call us to book a free Health Check 01604 859893 or sign up here.01604 859893 or sign up here.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Wealth management, brokers and Invu’s compliance role

We’re seeing some genuine demand amongst the broking, wealth management and investment communities right now. The latest editions of CIO & Computerworld magazines illustrate this with some PR around stockbrokers Redmayne Bentley’s adoption of Invu. The firm joins others such as Charles Stanley, Vestra Wealth and others in the broking sector. The driver here is not just enhanced efficiencies and cost savings but a strong compliance driver. Keeping pace with FSA obligations is a costly and potentially fraught experience with accurate and complete records an absolute requirement. This includes all client communication, transactions and proof of full diligence. For Redmayne Bentley the introduction of Invu has given peace of mind whilst also reducing costs through integration with existing stockbroking systems. Better access to client and transaction information has also improved service to clients.  With 30+ offices to keep onside Redmayne Bentley recognises the benefits of keeping its documentation secure and immediately accessible. It’s 30+ offices face stringent FSA compliance obligations and the wealth management firm has identified its reliance on paper documentation as an obstacle to efficiency and record keeping. We see this as a growth area, building on Invu’s already strong position in the insurance, IFA and accountancy sectors.

Monday, 18 July 2011

Computers and the internet are changing the nature of our memory, research in the journal Science suggests

There’s an interesting article on the BBC website about the way we think and remember information: . It seems that we’re changing and knowing how to find information is now more important to some of us than actually remembering facts. As levels of information multiply and technology makes it easier to find then maybe it’s logical that our behaviours should adapt. What is astonishing is how quickly this seems to be manifesting itself. It may well be a generational thing. If so, then reliance on technological methods of finding information will become more prevalent.

Nearer to home, this feels sensible. More and more we find that if we don’t know something we can hop onto a pc, tablet or mobile device and within seconds that elusive fact is there at our fingertips thanks to Google. It’s astonishingly liberating. Does this make one an expert? Of course not, but it certainly enables the curious mind. Taking the same principles, as data and documents expand at a seemingly exponential rate then document and content management tools become ever more important to the way we work. If we can lay our hands on information almost at a whim outside the work environment then surely we should expect the same capability for our business needs and behaviours. In fact, maybe even more so as deadlines and time pressures grow increasingly acute. Add in a bit of competitive pressure then access to all your information whenever you need it begins to seem like a necessity not an optional extra. Information trapped in paper documents, files, folders, emails, Word docs and pdfs shouldn’t be a barrier to future success, especially if we’re increasingly wired to work by reference rather than memory. 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Housing Associations under pressure

Housing Technology magazine publishes provides IT, Technology and Telecommunications news to 8,000+ business and technology strategy decision makers in the UK social housing sector and local government. Document Management continues to be a pragmatic solution in the HA space – in fact we’ve been delighted to work with around 40 HAs in increasing depth, making Invu an important presence. 

The July edition of the magazine includes a focus on the importance of getting the eDM decision right and deploying successfully. HAs are facing increasing demands with changes to funding, auditing and governance all eating into resources against a background of cost pressures and a focus on service levels. eDM is not a silver bullet but we’ve seen some genuinely impressive results even with tight budgets.  Find out more by reading the Do’s & Don’t White Paper at:


Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Printing can seriously harm your business’ health

We’re on our soap box today. With a sense of indignation we look at something so many organisations take for granted – the need to print. As more output is electronic and email the business communication medium du jour it seems odd that our addiction to print isn’t challenged more often and robustly. Part of this may be due to the fact that the addiction is fed by a print and copy industry which tells us we can do the same and more for less. But is this a self-serving message?

Invu publishes a new opinion paper which looks at document and content management in the context of printing. According to Gartner research, “the typical print costs for mid-market companies are around 1-3% of revenue (Gartner 'Managed services in Europe')”. Gartner’s Predict 2011 anticipates 20-30% industry growth in managed print services until 2014 – it’s clearly a profitable sector. But at who’s cost and benefit? Our printing polemic takes an alternative view and examine why you should begin slashing your print costs.

Download Printing can seriously harm your business’ health at:

Monday, 16 May 2011

Invu Coverage

Over the past month Invu has been featured in a number of articles discussing the benefits of our eDM solution. See the articles below...

Stamp of Approval (The Manufacturer) -

Academy cuts admin time by 19 weeks (Education Executive) -

Six weeks per annum saved using document management software (Hospital Europe) -

Hill Hire (Computer Weekly) -

Monday, 7 March 2011

Are you in control of your email?

Drowning in email is a serious problem and it's getting worse. Moreover, the explosion in email volumes has potentially serious operational and legal implications which could impact your organisation.

Invu's new whitepaper investigates the practical impact of email overload, retention, ownership and discovery. It explores options to reduce business risk and improve operational efficiency and highlights how email management can potentially provide an efficient and workable solution.

Think about the way you work and the potential risks that unmanaged email brings to your organisation.

Download Invu's new whitepaper "The Problem With Email" to find out more

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

How can your business overcome paper in an efficient electronic world?

Like most organisations you have an accounting or ERP system and you may believe that you have a computerised business. However, have you automated the whole finance process? You’re probably not alone in having the “core” ledgers and books without addressing pockets of manual process, especially in relation to your suppliers.

“Purchase to pay” is one key area which is more often than not left incomplete and largely manual; consequently the interaction with a business’ suppliers may not be in great shape. Failure to manage this properly results in cash flow problems and at worst money spent that cannot be recovered.

Automating the purchase to payment flow may reap disproportionate rewards. More often than not this hinges around minimising the volumes of paper documents and streamlining how they are handled during the flow. Pragmatic solutions may mean the difference between success and failure. Invu's new whitepaper "Purchase to Payment Automation – Overcoming paper in an efficient electronic world" provides guidance on negating the impact of paper and utilising the content in an otherwise electronic world.

Download your copy

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Invu Document Management transforms KMI Water’s payment processes

Invu Document Management has enabled KMI Water to transform 80,000 paper invoices received annually to digital format. All in-bound paper has been eliminated from operational processes and together with integration with COINS financial software this has paved the way for greatly streamlined payment processes. 95% of all transactions are now processed within agreed payment terms. The company also has the information transparency required to support partnerships with both its key clients and the rest of its supply chain including sub-contractors.
As a result of its investment, KMI has transformed its payment processes and finance staff are freed up to concentrate on higher value jobs, providing a return on investment within 18 months.

Stuart Murray, Finance Director explained. “Anyone from procurement to finance can see the information in Invu and this ensures speedy resolution of standard issues such as wrong delivery charge or product rate.”

Now instead of handling repeated calls from suppliers about payments, finance staff can concentrate on invoice checking and validation. Furthermore, the company has been able to increase its turnover – and invoice volumes – without adding staff.

Read the full success story

KMI Water implemented its Invu software with Invu reseller The Content Group. Contact Invu for more details.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Issue 8 of Invu's customer magazine InsideVu now available

As always InsideVu contains key information to help you use Invu more effectively in your business.

In this edition you can find out more about our new modules for V6.4 as well as further information on Invu Content Automation. Our Technical Support Team are also on hand with their round up of hints and tips

Download your copy here

and you can sign up to receive the next issue on the same page.

Friday, 28 January 2011

BPM - Will it deliver benefits for your business or deny you a peaceful sleep?

According to Gartner, “By 2014, Business Process Management will clearly deliver benefits to those who have the competencies, and deny a peaceful sleep to those who do not". This may be a little apocalyptic but it may have implications for smaller organisations than the typical enterprise level targets of these big beast systems. Full scale major BPM is often a significant investment which can transform working practices & MI. However, the price barriers can be daunting and many businesses may look at a BPM solution as being for the corporates only.

Where Invu comes in is a pragmatic solution using automation and integration rather than a monolithic software implementation. Invu doesn’t pretend to be a BPM solution – we don’t deliver full MI for example. However, some of the same issues solved by a true BPM implementation are increasingly covered off by Invu’s solutions for mid-sized organisations

For the business faced with a partial solution (typically an ERP solution) there are often untouched processes which require management and automation. Paper invoices is a good example, proofs of delivery another. A wholesale major investment using a full BPM proposition may be the answer but this may be an expensive, disruptive play and it’s certainly not to be undertaken lightly. In many cases this may involve implementation of an EDI solution (electronic data interchange) so it’s worth asking the question – would your suppliers be affected too? If so, does this mean implementation of co-operating systems there too and will they be willing to play ball to optimise the offering between both parties?

Sometimes a low impact solution may be best – deal with the hand you’ve got and optimise it. Scanning, intelligent data extraction, workflows and integration with existing ERP systems may fundamentally streamline the way you work. It’s a classic case of the Pareto principle (i.e. the 80:20 rule). Sure, you won’t have the shiniest option available but it breaks down many of the significant practical day-to-day problems at a fraction of the cost and short term operational upheaval. Gartner is right – transforming the way you work to optimise efficiency is an essential route to growth, if not survival in some cases. We’d just say that for the non-corporate you can knock over some of the key problems more simply.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Could saving costs also save lives...?

It’s not just large corporates that need document management - companies from all industry sectors and indeed all sizes and complexities have implemented Invu, to reduce costs, improve business efficiencies or simply to reduce the paper churn within the organisation. Even regional not-for-profit organisations can feel the benefit.

Reducing costs can enable charities to continue the good work within the community. Charities have to work hard for every penny donated to them and need to ensure that every penny is accounted for but also uneroded by hidden costs. Compliance obligations mean additional documentation, deadlines and strict retention criteria to be observed - more administration when funding is inevitably tight.

In Humberside, St John Ambulance uses Invu Document Management to control its paperwork. They can now search, filter and find documents within seconds – document retrieval savings that add up to over six weeks saved every year.

Other benefits include improved business processes, enhanced customer service and reductions in paper consumption. All of this enables focus on the core needs of the charity – spending money on saving lives and not dealing with unnecessary administration.

Next time you see that familiar uniform at a local event consider how a seemingly unlikely candidate for enhanced efficiency changed the way it works in the background. See how St John Ambulance, Humberside changed the way it works and download its case study. Alternatively, give us a call to see how Invu could help your charity.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

New Invu Document Management v6.4 now available

We're delighted to announce the release of Invu Document Management v6.4. This follows input from both our customers and partners.

As well as more functionality in the base product this release also introduces 3 new companion modules:

• Invu Email Manager

• Invu Web Approval

• Invu Interactive Zonal OCR/Barcode Capture

Read the full news story:

For further information please contact your Invu Partner or call Invu on 01604 859893.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Invu’s link to Microsoft Dynamics AX creates huge time savings for RMD Kwikform

RMD Kwikform is the Equipment services division of Interserve, the £1.7bn services, maintenance and building group. As part of its business continuity plan, electronic filing formed a logical next stage, and based on feedback from Interserve who was already using Invu, an Invu implementation was confirmed.

Invu links directly to RMD Kwikform’s finance system, Microsoft Dynamics AX (formerly Axapta). A user can search for a purchase order reference number in the finance system and link directly to the correlating invoice. This creates huge time savings as users no longer have to search manually for paperwork or search through two disparate systems.

Mark Pickard, Senior Accountant, RMD Kwikform comments, “We implemented Invu in August 2007. Prior to this we had a manual filing system. Invu Document Management ties into our business continuity plan – we have procedures in place in case there is any kind of critical incident. Invu supports this plan because all documents are stored electronically and backed up. We are currently using Invu as a document scanning tool allowing us to gain huge amounts of office space through the elimination of paper files.”

Other benefits include increased office space and elimination of paper files. Currently using Invu in the finance, HR and sales departments the company is now considering the potential use of Invu in their export department for storage of foreign export documentation.

Read the full success story

RMD Kwikform implemented its Invu software with Invu reseller The Content Group. Contact Invu for more details.